「折」食日愛心劵 $35@

本人將捐款港幣 元支持公益行善「折」食日,並願意將愛心券轉贈予公益金受惠者,公益金將安排送贈愛心熱湯予受惠人士。
I would like to donate HK$ to support Skip Lunch Day 2016 and donate the Skip Lunch Day
Coupon(s) to the Chest’s beneficiaries. Chest will arrange delivery of the soup to the needy.

本人將捐款港幣 元支持公益行善「折」食日, 並需要 張「 折」食日愛心券。

I would like to donate HK$ to support Skip Lunch Day 2016 and need Skip Lunch Day Coupon(s).
(The Chest will contact you for the collection of Skip Lunch Day coupons at the Chest office.)
個 人 資 料  Personal Information
Last Name

First Name
先生 Mr.    小姐 Miss    女士 Mrs.   

職 銜 Position

電 話 Telephone


電 郵 地 址
E-mail Address

地 址
Flat:     Floor:     Block:  
大 廈 Building:   
街 道 Street:  
 香 港 Hong Kong    九 龍 Kowloon    新 界 New Territories

收據名稱 Name to be printed on official receipt

# 凡捐款一百元或以上者,可獲發正式收據。
Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above.

Authorization for the Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing


- 個人資料包括:姓名、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電郵地址、通訊地址等
- 使用的通訊渠道包括:郵遞、電郵、圖文傳真、電話及電話短訊等

I agree that The Community Chest of Hong Kong (the Chest) can use my personal data to keep me posted of the Chest’s fund-raising events, newsletters, volunteer services and surveys to collect donor opinions through various communication channels.

- My personal data include my name, telephone number, fax number, email and mailing address, etc.
- Communication channels include direct mail, email, facsimile, telephone and sms

I do not agree the Chest to use my personal data for the above purposes.

Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your preference.

倘若日後您希望停止接收本會的宣傳推廣或最新資訊,您可隨時以書面或電郵 opt-out@commchest.org 要求本會停止使用您的個人資料作上述用途而無須繳付任何費用。
If you do not wish to receive any promotional and marketing materials or updates from the Chest in future, upon receipt of your written request, either by post or by email opt-out@commchest.org at any time and with no charge, the Chest will cease to use your personal data for the above purposes.

請按下選擇框並輸入驗証碼  Please click the checkbox and type the text