Donation Form

Donation Form
HomeDonation Form
Donation Form

* indicates a required field

Donation Information
Type *

Proof of payment can be payment reference such as bank transfer copies, screen capture of your online payment record.

Payee and bank number, transaction date and time, donation amount and other reference numbers should be clearly shown on the proof.

Please upload a zip file for multiple proof.

Maximum size: 20MB
Maximum size: 20MB
Maximum size: 20MB
Payment Method *
Select Donation Amount
Or Input Donation Amount
Choose Your Event
Organisation/ School Name
Beneficiary *
Donor Information
Do you need a receipt? *
Title *
for group or organisation donation
if different from the above name
Receipt Type *
if different from the above email
1. Official Receipt will be issued to donors who contribute HK$100 or more.
2. The country of domicile of The Community Chest is Hong Kong.
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