Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation
HomeGiving & SupportMonthly Donation
All donations raised by The Community Chest will be prudently passed on in full to support a wide range of social services provided by over 165 social welfare member agencies for the benefit of over 2.5 million people. Your regular donation is an important and stable source of funds for the Chest. Become a regular donor now by making a monthly contribution by autopay or credit card. This is the easiest way to offer ongoing assistance to those in need in Hong Kong.
Please fill out the form and fax it back to 2506 1201 or send it to the Chest Office by post:
Unit 1805, 18/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Donors who wish to donate via autopay: please send the original copy of the authorisation form to the Chest Office.
Make monthly donation via
AlipayHK app*

*Scan QR code or use the following donation link