In late 1960s, a group of enthusiastic and visionary volunteers came up with the idea of raising funds on behalf of all social welfare agencies, leaving them to focus on delivering their services. This led to the establishment of The Community Chest of Hong Kong on 8 November 1968. Learn More.
The Community Chest is an independent, non-profit making organisation neither funded nor operated by the government.
All funds raised by The Community Chest go to over 165 member social welfare agencies without any deduction of administration expenses. The Chest’s administration costs are covered by an annual grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club and by returns from prudent investments. Campaign expenses are sponsored by other donors.
The Community Chest’s member agencies provide services in six major areas: children & youth, the elderly, family & child welfare, medical & health, rehabilitation & aftercare, and community development.
Every year, The Community Chest organises over 20 fundraisers, including signature events like Walks for Millions, Dress Casual Day and Flag Day, as well as designated ones for the Corporate and Employee Contribution Programme.
Two large-scale walks were held in 1971, which raised nearly HK$1 million and came to be known as Walks for Millions. The Community Chest Walks for Millions set records in two categories in the Guinness Book of Records: the most number of participants – 57,000 at the Kowloon Walk for Millions in 1977, and the most money raised – nearly HK$2 million at the Kowloon Walk for Millions in 1979.
There are many convenient ways to make a donation to The Community Chest. Please click “Donate Now” for details.
The organisation must first be admitted as a member agency of The Community Chest before applying for Chest funding. Learn more.
The admission criteria for member agency of The Community Chest are as follows:
• the organisation must be registered in Hong Kong
• the organisation has been registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112) for at least three years
• the organisation has provided direct non-profit making social services
for the Hong Kong community for at least three years when it makes the application
All admission applications will be reviewed by the Admission, Budgets and Allocations Committee according to a rigorous vetting process. Learn more.
Each year, member agencies will be invited to submit their project proposals with funding requirements to The Community Chest. Agencies are also required to submit their progress reports bi-annually, and submit their annual reports, annual audited accounts and management letters. All funding requests will be vetted by Admission, Budgets and Allocations Committee according to a rigorous, fair and transparent process. Learn more.
The Community Chest sets up designated funds to meet imminent needs in the community. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 severely affected the economy, and the Chest responded by setting up the Anti-Coronavirus Rainbow Fund (subsequently renamed as Pandemic Rainbow Fund) on 12 February 2021 to provide immediate financial assistance to individuals and families suffered from sudden hardships caused by the pandemic. Also, the Chest set up The Community Chest Rainbow Fund in 2004 to provide rapid response to persons who find themselves in an emergency crisis. Learn more.