Enhanced Caregivers Services

Services and Projects
HomeFunding AllocationsServices and ProjectsEnhanced Caregivers Services
Enhanced Caregivers Services
Funding Category
BaseLine Allocations
Service Types
Elderly Services - Community Support Services
Funding Period
2024 - 2025
Project Code
Agency Name
St. James' Settlement
Project Name
Enhanced Caregivers Services
Approved Allocation
Project Detail

The project “Enhanced Caregivers Services” aims to meet specific needs of caregivers by extending the existing caregiver services and providing new services to specific target groups of caregivers.
Services include:
1. Respite care for the elderly - For marginal elders who are just below the moderate frailty line and have not received such kind of service.
2. Dementia elderly - Caregivers support group, in-home support and respite services.
3. Second-hand rehabilitative facilities - Collection service and donation of rehabilitative facilities.
4. Volunteer service - Recruitment and training of volunteers in the caregiver services, including telephone concern contact, and in-home support etc.
5. Caregiver homepage
