Get Positive ! Programme

Services and Projects
HomeFunding AllocationsServices and ProjectsGet Positive ! Programme
Get Positive ! Programme
Funding Category
BaseLine Allocations
Service Types
Children and Youth Services - Developmental and Supportive Services
Funding Period
2024 - 2025
Project Code
Agency Name
KELY Support Group Limited
Project Name
Get Positive ! Programme
Approved Allocation
Project Detail

The “Get Positive !” Programme promotes student’s positive self-esteem and peer-support for dealing with educational or social situations.  The three phases of development are : 1) “Say No to Failure” Workshop : To explore the issue of fear and foster student’s personal growth in overcoming pressure and stress; 2) Get Positive! Social Circus Training Programme : Through learning circus skills as a fun and new experiential process, participants’ life and coping skills will be enhanced and; 3) School and Community Performances : Through teaching new skills to fellow students and staging a school / community performance, the ambassadors help to promote a positive message to the whole school.
