Community Chest Straighten Up School Campaign

Services and Projects
HomeFunding AllocationsServices and ProjectsCommunity Chest Straighten Up School Campaign
Community Chest Straighten Up School Campaign
Funding Category
BaseLine Allocations
Service Types
Children and Youth Services - Developmental and Supportive Services
Funding Period
2024 - 2025
Project Code
Agency Name
Children Chiropractic Foundation Limited
Project Name
Community Chest Straighten Up School Campaign
Approved Allocation
Project Detail

1. To build up healthy spinal protection habit by providing spinal health service in 250 kindergartens and primary schools through a series of students workshops and teachers training workshops.

2. To provide spinal check service to the students so as to detect the spinal problems at early stage.

3. To organise ambassadors training workshops to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills in posture analysis and teaching exercise.
