Rehabilitation Services for the Physically Severely Handicapped

Services and Projects
HomeFunding AllocationsServices and ProjectsRehabilitation Services for the Physically Severely Handicapped
Rehabilitation Services for the Physically Severely Handicapped
Funding Category
BaseLine Allocations
Service Types
Rehabilitation and Aftercare Services - Services for the Physically Disabled
Funding Period
2024 - 2025
Project Code
Agency Name
Direction Association for the Handicapped
Project Name
Rehabilitation Services for the Physically Severely Handicapped
Approved Allocation
Project Detail

The Rehabilitation Service reinforces the relationship of people with severe physical disabilities (SPD) and their family members, promotes interaction and rapport building with the public, fills the internet-blindness gap through newsletter publication, minimises the inconvenience arising from failure/temporary unavailability of rehabilitation equipment, enhances the SPD's ability to accommodate the information-centric society and become more independent by use of computer and the internet as a learning and information-seeking tool.
