Regains self-worth to integrate into society

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Regains self-worth to integrate into society

Mr. Chan, in his thirties, has a low self-image due to lack of family care and friends. Because of his personality and cognitive disabilities, Mr. Chan has difficulty in making friends and in getting jobs.

One day, a neighbor invited Mr. Chan to join the Men’s Jobs program, which is under Christian Concern For The Homeless Association funded by The Community Chest Social Innovation Fund. He was assigned to the maintenance team and assisted in simple tasks such as moving and preparing materials. Mr. Chan gradually built up his self-confidence, he joyfully said, “I never know I can help the elderly. I felt happy when I helped fix their homes and made them happy.”

Now, Mr. Chan adopts a positive attitude towards life. He never misses any maintenance job and the program plans to recommend Mr. Chan to enroll in a basic maintenance course to help him to reintegrate into society.

