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HomeNewsPress Releases The Chest’s Walks for Millions Raises Over HK$15 Million to Bolster Family and Child Welfare Services
The Chest’s Walks for Millions Raises Over HK$15 Million to Bolster Family and Child Welfare Services

Walk for Millions resumed its physical format after the pandemic. New Territories Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O Walk for Millions and Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions were successfully held in November 2022 and January 2023 respectively. The two walks attracted individual walkers and the participation of nearly 300 teams formed by companies and organisations and over HK$15 million was raised. The Chest would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to Bank of China (Hong Kong) for sponsoring the two walks. Its generosity enables the Chest to allocate all funds raised from the events, with no deduction of expenses, to 24 Chest’s member agencies that provide family and child welfare services. Also, the Chest is deeply grateful for the immense support given by the various government departments and the volunteers from uniformed groups.

To acknowledge the support of walking teams, individual walkers, sponsor and supporting organisations, 2022/2023 Walks for Millions Cheque & Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 18 May. Miss Alice Mak Mei-kuen, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, officiated at the ceremony. She was joined by Mr Paulo Pong, Chairman of the Campaign Committee and Walks for Millions Organising Committee members to present awards and certificates of appreciation to awardees, sponsor and supporting organisations. 

Friends of the Community Chest Sai Kung District Committee - Sai Kung District Walking Team won the Challenge Cup and was awarded the Overall Top Fund-raiser. It also won the Team Top Fund-raisers Award of New Territories Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O Walk for Millions. The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association won the Team Top Fund-raisers Award of Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions. Individual Top Fund-raisers Award, HAD District Top Fund-raisers Award and Outstanding Walk Teams Award were also presented at the ceremony. 

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Friends of the Community Chest Sai Kung District Committee - Sai Kung District Walking Team wins the Challenge Cup and becomes the Overall Top Fund-raiser. The representative receives the award from Miss Alice Mak Mei-kuen, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs and Guest of Honour (sixth left). 

Miss Alice Mak Mei-kuen, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs and Guest of Honour (front row, centre), Mr Paulo Pong, Chairman of the Campaign Committee (front row, fifth right) and Walks for Millions Organising Committee members pose for a group photo with awardees of Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions.

Miss Alice Mak Mei-kuen, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs and Guest of Honour (front row, centre), Mr Paulo Pong, Chairman of the Campaign Committee (front row, fifth right) and Walks for Millions Organising Committee members pose for a group photo with awardees of New Territories Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O Walk for Millions.

The Chest is deeply grateful to Bank of China (Hong Kong) for fully supporting the events. Mr Kam Yu-man Edmund, Managing Director, Head of Private Banking of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (right), receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Mr Paulo Pong, Chairman of the Campaign Committee (left). 
