Press Releases
The 2018 Community Chest Corporate Challenge Raises Over HK$2.2 Million for Rehabilitation & Aftercare Service
The 2018 Community Chest Corporate Challenge was successfully held on 28 January at Sai Kung Pak Tam Chung Country Park. More than 1,100 amateur and veteran runners from 149 corporate teams joined the 10KM Run and Half Marathon. Over HK$2.2 million was raised for the Rehabilitation & Aftercare Service supported by The Community Chest.
The event was led by: Co-Chairmen of The Community Chest Corporate Challenge Organising Committee Dr Edward W Y Cheung, BBS and Mr Carmelo K S Lee, JP; Committee Members Mr Matthew Wong, BBS, Mr Jeffrey Lau and Mr Patrick Ting. Dr Cheung and Mr Lau further supported by joining the Half Marathon and 10KM Run respectively.
The Chest would like to thank the event sponsors - Woo Kwan Lee & Lo, Maxim’s Group and Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited - such that all donations can go straight to provide services for the beneficiaries without any deductions of administration expenses. A special thank-you must go to Co-Organiser Athletic Veterans of Hong Kong for their professional advice and assistance.
In 2017/2018, The Community Chest has allocated over HK$95 million to support Rehabilitation & Aftercare Service offered by member social welfare agencies. The services help beneficiaries including the physically and mentally handicapped, and ex-offenders, by giving them vocational training and other support to help their re-integration into the society.
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Mr Carmelo K S Lee, JP (front fourth right), Co-Chairman; Mr Jeffery Lau (front second left) and Mr Matthew Wong, BBS (front fourth left), Members of The 2018 Community Chest Corporate Challenge Organising Committee officiated at the Starting Ceremony.
The participants ran to raise funds for Rehabilitation & Aftercare Service supported by The Community Chest.
The 2018 Community Chest Corporate Challenge Organising Committee Co-Chairman Dr Edward W Y Cheung, BBS (centre) and Member Mr Jeffrey Lau (right) joined the Half Marathon and 10KM Run respectively. Committee Member Mr Matthew Wong, BBS (left) rendered them his full support.