Press Releases
The Community Chest BEA Charity Golf Day 2019 Golfers help raise funds for mental health services
The Community Chest BEA Charity Golf Day - BEA Centenary Charity Cup 2019 was held on Friday 15 March at The Hong Kong Golf Club’s Fanling Golf Course. For the fourth consecutive year, Charity Golf Day has received full support from title sponsor, The Bank of East Asia, Limited (“BEA”). Over HK$2.3 million was raised to support mental health services provided by the Chest’s member agencies.
The event coincidentally marked four anniversaries this year: the 20th Anniversary of the Charity Golf Day, the 50th Anniversary of The Community Chest, the 100th Anniversary of the Bank of East Asia, and the 130th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Golf Club. Nearly 190 golfers from 47 teams participated in The Community Chest BEA Charity Golf Day 2019, hitting the green for the needy. A Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on Tuesday, 2 April at the Bank of East Asia Building in Central. Dr John C C Chan, GBS, JP, The Community Chest Campaign Committee Co-Chairman and Mr Adrian M K Li, JP, the event’s Organising Committee Chairman and Executive Director & Deputy Chief Executive at BEA were joined by other Organising Committee Members to present prizes and awards to the winning teams and sponsors.
Unique Shipping won both the “Champion” and the “Best Gross Award”. The First Runner-up and Second Runner-up awards went to Ryoden Development Limited and Liu, Chan and Lam, Solicitors respectively. Individual awards, including the “Longest Drive” and “Closest to the Pin”, were also presented.
The Community Chest expressed gratitude to title sponsor BEA, whose support has made it possible for every dollar to directly fund mental health services without deduction of administrative expenses. In addition, the Chest thanked Tournament Director, Mr Dean Nelson; Organising Committee Honorary Advisor, Mr Bob Chong, BBS; and Committee Members Mr Mark Chan, Mr T C Chan, BBS, JP, Mr Philip Choi, Mr Kenneth Lam, Ms Marina Tsang, and Ms Suzie Wakai, MH for their contributions.
The Chest also extended its appreciation to The Hong Kong Golf Club for providing an excellent venue, waiving all green fees and providing the services of its highly professional staff. Special tributes were also made to “Hole-in-One” Award co-sponsors Dah Chong Hong Holdings and BEA, along with all of the Putting Green, Hole, and prize and souvenir sponsors.
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Mr Adrian M K Li, JP, Executive Director & Deputy Chief Executive at BEA (left) received a certificate of appreciation for the Bank’s title sponsorship from Dr John C C Chan, GBS, JP, The Community Chest Campaign Committee Co-Chairman (right).
The Champion and the “Best Gross” award winner - Unique Shipping.
The Community Chest BEA Charity Golf Day Organising Committee with the winners at the Prize Presentation Ceremony on 2 April 2019.